
Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Keylogger Douglass 1.1


Keylogger represent functioning software is monitoring activity of PC with recording activity of keyboard. This Software also can record and enamel of password others. Example of if there is others of login in facebook, automatically this software will record what written by moment enter in that its facebook, good it him and also word word which in writing moment of chatting

[-] After in download, there will be 2 folder that is “ DOUGLAS_EN” and “ DOUGLAS_ES”. justly Vanish of DOUGLAS_ES because the folder is equal to “ DOUGLAS_EN”, just only is of DOUGLAS_ES” wearing Ianguage of spanyol, while “ DOUGLAS_EN” wearing Ianguage of inggris
[-] Afterwards “ extract” file
[-] Later;Then open folder “ DOUGLAS_EN
[-] Double Click at file “ install.exe
[-] Last enter/include password which you wish. Caw Klu will password pake, aja contreng “ password use don’t

[-] To see information which have in record, you remain to select;choose READ INFORMATION. Continue to enter/include password which is equal to password which you enter/include moment process instalan


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